Alessandro Sherpa - Asia Trail Master

Alessandro Sherpa is the reigning champion of the Asia Trail Master Series. As we near the end of the 2019 season, we catch up with the 2018 Champion.

We talk about:

  • Alessandro’s background in mountain biking in Italy and how he grew up racing competitively before falling out of love with the sport.

  • How he moved to Asia and got into trail running through doing hash runs in Malaysia

  • How he became aware of the Asia Trail Master series

  • His favourite places to race around Asia and why

  • Times he’s been deep in the Pain Cave and how he got himself out

  • Alessandro’s philosophy on DNFing and living to race another day. For example in Chiang Mai when he pulled from the 230km and still got up to race a trail marathon the next day in 3hr 20m!

  • How he plans his major challenges

  • How he thinks about pacing for Ultras. Clue, he doesn’t follow the John Ellis strategy of start slow finish fast…

  • Thoughts on Nutrition leading up to a challenge and during

  • Thoughts around Strength and Conditioning, mobility, massage, stretching

  • What his recovery routine looks like

  • Managing / avoiding injuries

Quick fire Q's:

  • What makes him emotional

  • Most inspirational person

  • Best kit you've bought under $100

  • Proudest moment personal / physical / professional


  • Balancing business career / family and friends : relationship

  • Talks about his business Sherpa

  • Endurance Athletes on being successful professionals

  • Which sponsors he represents in ultra running. How he got them on board

  • Closing remarks: advice for anyone thinking wanting to compete at the top of ultra running field

Find Alessandro Sherpa on:

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Podcast hosted by Ultra Endurance enthusiasts Scott Pugh and Ric Stockfis.

Scott Pugh