Return of Ben Pulham and Jim Webster of Coached

We reconnect with Ben Pulham the founder of Coached, a Singapore-based testing lab and - surprise - coaching service for athletes of all stripes. A former pro triathlete himself, Ben - together with in-house sports scientist James (Jim) Webster - is an expert in helping people perform better. 

Listen to our first podcast with the Coached team that goes into more detail about the testing they offer and Ben’s background as a professional athlete.

Find them online at and

In our interview with Ben and Jim, we discuss:

  • Diet and the benefits of lower carb

  • The athletes they are training inc top triathlete Arif

  • State of Singapore athletics

  • The track sessions they run every Tuesday in Singapore

  • Goal Setting

  • Sweat testing and importance or supplementing with minerals in Asia

Podcast hosted by Ultra Endurance enthusiasts Scott Pugh and Ric Stockfis.

Scott Pugh