Nathan Fa'avae - Leading the World’s Greatest Adventure Racing Team

Nathan has a 25 year track record of being at the very top of the Adventure Endurance world from olympic level mountain biking to competing around the world in Adventure Racing as the leader of Team Seagate / Avaya, dominating the sport for the past 20 years.

We speak about everything he’s been up to in the past two years and discuss the Eco Challenge Fiji race from Sep 2019 that went live on Amazon Prime last week as ‘The World’s Toughest Race’

We cover:

  • Experience racing across Asia from China to Malaysia

  • The last couple of years racing after taking a break

  • Race Directing Spring Challenge all female adventure race in NZ

  • Pulling the Avaya team back together for Eco Challenge inc Sophie Hart, Chris Forne and Stu Lynch after Sophie took a few years out starting a family

Eco Challenge, Worlds Toughest Race on Amazon Prime:

  • History racing Eco Challenge

  • Team dynamic - Captain, Nav, Co-Pilot, Mule, logistics

  • Competition, strategy

  • Rules of the race

  • Nutrition

  • Navigation

  • Challenges

If you want to sign up for next year’s version of Eco Challenge you do so here..

If you want to race in Asia:



You can reach out and follow Nathan at the following channels:

Website -

Facebook -

Instagram -

Book on amazon -

Podcast hosted by Ultra Endurance enthusiasts Scott Pugh and Ric Stockfis.

Scott Pugh