Andy Dubois - The coach to Asia's ultra elites

Andy Dubois is the founder of Mile 27 a coaching company that advises a lot of the very top ultra runners in Asia Pacific inc Jeri Chua, Alessandro Sherpa, John Ellis, Ryan Whelan, Ryan Blair and North Face Adventure Team.

We talk to Andy about how he picks his clients, how he gets to understand their ‘Why’ before he agrees to work with them.

He talks about his philosophy on coaching. 

Who needs a coach? Who doesn’t?

How many Athletes he has on his books? The success stories he’s most proud of.

What he recommends to runners who can’t afford a coach.

Thoughts on nutrition.

Strength and conditioning. As a trained PT Andy discusses his philosophy both as an injury prevention and increase of speed and technique.

Quick fire questions:

Favourite book on Endurance sports

Best kit you've bought under $100

Proudest moment personal / physical / professional

Any last bits of advice, recommendations for endurance Athletes wanting to reach their stretch goals

Podcast hosted by Ultra Endurance enthusiasts Scott Pugh and Ric Stockfis.

Scott Pugh