Jessie Montague - The Smiley Spartan

Jessie Montague is a Pro Spartan Athlete based out of Singapore. We discuss her rapid transformation from zero to pro in a short 2 year period.

  • How it came to be: her story of transformation.

  • Who inspired her 

  • What is it about OCR that she’s so passionate about

  • Times she’s been deep in the Pain Cave

  • ‘Favourite’ DNFs, how she deals with failure  

  • How does she train for her major challenges. 

  • What it’s like having her husband as her coach

  • How she thinks about pacing for ultra distance OCR against sprint, etc.

  • How she thinks about nutrition leading up to a challenge and during

  • What are her thoughts around Strength and Conditioning, mobility, massage, stretching

  • Her goals for 2020

Quick fire Questions

  • Most inspirational book 

  • Favourite podcasts

  • Best kit she’s bought under $100 

  • Proudest moment personal / physical / professional


  • Apart from being a sponsored athlete, what’s the day job

  • How does she balance being a teacher and OCR athlete

  • What do her students think about what she does

Closing remarks advice anyone thinking of coming up with or doing a challenge, whether it be a marathon, triathlon, ultra marathon or Everest..

Podcast hosted by Ultra Endurance enthusiasts Scott Pugh and Ric Stockfis.

Scott Pugh